

In recent years, the terms “inclusive,” “diversity,” and “sustainability” have been incorporated into the definition of “museum” as outlined in the ICOM (International Council of Museums) Statutes. These concepts are now widely recognized as part of the evolving roles of museums in major Western industrialized countries.

In Japan, however, many museums have yet to fully embrace these principles.

Their activities often remain focused on the traditional functions of“collection, preservation, exhibition, research, and education.” Efforts to understand the diverse histories and cultures of foreigners in Japan, whether tourists or residents, are still limited. Similarly, reasonable accommodations for visitors and staff with visual, hearing, or physical disabilities, as well as those with mental health challenges or LGBTQ+ identities, remain insufficient in many cases.

With the upcoming ICOM General Conference in Dubai in 2025, this symposium aims to foster greater awareness and progress on these issues. By inviting international museum professionals who are actively engaged in advancing diversity and inclusiveness, we hope to inspire Japanese museums to reflect on and embrace these essential principles.

※ 本シンポジウムは国際連携による博物館の多様性・包摂性推進事業実行委員会主催による連続研修会の最終回です。他の研修会に参加されていない方もご参加いただけます。研修会についてはチラシの裏面をご参照ください。

This symposium represents the culmination of a series of events organized by the Executive Committee for the Project for Promoting Diversity and Inclusiveness in Museums through International Collaboration. Anyone is welcome to attend regardless of attendance at the other events. Please check here for more information.

詳細General Information

January 13 (Mon), 2025 10:00-17:00
国立科学博物館 上野本館
〒110-8718 東京都台東区上野公園 7-20
National Museum of Nature and Science
Lecture Hall (2Fl., Japan Gallery),
7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8718 JAPAN
≫Access information
対象/ Eligible Participants どなたでもご参加いただけます。
Anyone is welcome to attend.
定員100名 ※ WEBからの事前申込みが必要です。応募者多数の場合は抽選を行います。
The capacity is 100 people. Please register in advance using the form at the top of this page.
In case of too many applications, we will hold a draw for place allocation.
* Live streaming (Zoom) viewing has reached capacity and is no longer being accepted.
参加費/ Participation Fee 無料。事前申込みが必要です。
Free, but registration is required for both on-site and online participants.
※ ただし、会場での参加の場合、別途常設展示入館料が必要です。 一般・大学生:630円、高校生以下・65歳以上:無料
* The admission fees to the museum are required for on-site participants. (General and university students: ¥630; High-school students and younger: Free)


使用言語 講演は英語で行います。日本語への同時通訳を予定しています。
Language The speech will be in English with English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation.

開催あいさつ Opening Remarks
栗原 祐司(副実行委員長・国立科学博物館副館長)
Yuji Kurihara, Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee, Executive Director of the National Museum of Nature and Science
趣旨説明・事業報告 Explanation of purpose and project report
栗原 祐司(副実行委員長・国立科学博物館副館長)
Yuji Kurihara, Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee, Executive Director of the National Museum of Nature and Science
ICOMドバイ大会紹介 Introduce ICOM-Dubai 2025
Melissa Rinne(京都国立博物館主任専門職・ICOM-ICDAD委員長 / Senior Specialist of Kyoto National Museum, Chair of ICOM-ICDAD)
講演者紹介 Introduction
邱 君妮(東京藝術大学特任研究員)
Chunni Chiu, Project Researcher, Tokyo University of the Arts
講演 博物館コレクションのデコロナイゼーション(仮)
Speech - Decolonizing museums, confronting the uncomfortable and practices of care
Frederieke van Wijk(アムステルダム大学アラード・ピアソン博物館 / Allard Pierson Museum, University of Amsterdam)
講演 生物多様性に関する常設展示について
Speech - From Gendered Innovation to the Aesthetic of Diverse and Inclusive Storytelling
林 怡萱(国立台湾科学教育館)
Yi-Hsuan Lin, National Taiwan Science Education Center
12:10-13:30 休憩 Break
講演 博物館の持続可能性を考える
Speech - Considering museum sustainability
Morien Rees(ICOM-SUSTAIN委員長、バランガー博物館 / Chair, ICOM-SUSTAlN, Varanger Museum, Norway)
14:10-14:15 休憩 Break
14:15-14:45 質疑応答 Q & A
14:45-14:55 まとめ Concluding Remarks
篠田 謙一(実行委員長・国立科学博物館長)
Ken-ichi Shinoda, Chairman of the Executive Committee, President / Director General of the National Museum of Nature and Science
14:55-15:00 閉会あいさつ Closing Remarks
山梨 絵美子(日本博物館協会長)
Emiko Yamanashi, President of Japan Association of Museums
15:00-15:20 休憩 Break
15:20-17:00 ワークショップ Workshop
※希望者のみ。参加申し込み時にお知らせください。 Please apply in advance.
※オンライン会場での配信はありません。 The workshop will not be broadcast online.


  • 国際連携による博物館の多様性・包摂性推進事業実行委員会
  • Executive Committee for the Project for Promoting Diversity and Inclusiveness in Museums through International Collaboration
  • Email:innovate_museum2024@kahaku.go.jp

主催・共催・協賛Organizers and Sponsor

  • 主催:国際連携による博物館の多様性・包摂性推進事業実行委員会、独立行政法人 国立科学博物館
  • 共催:公益財団法人日本博物館協会、ICOM日本委員会
  • Organizers: Executive Committee for the Project for Promoting Diversity and Inclusiveness in Museums through International Collaboration, National Museum of Nature and Science
  • Co-organizers: Japanese Association of Museums, ICOM Japan
  • 協賛:トータルメディア開発研究所
  • Sponsor: Total Media Development Institute Co., Ltd.
  • 文化庁令和6年度Innovate MUSEUM事業
  • Innovate MUSEUM Project in 2024 by the Agency for Cultural Affairs

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