
Spiders of Myanmar

Since the first report of the spiders from Myanmar made by Thomas Workman with the article titled “Description of two new species of spiders” published in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, fifth series, Vol. 2, pp. 451-453, 1878, in which several species of Pholcidae and Theridiidae were recorded from Rangoon (Yangon), hundreds of spiders were recorded from this country, including those described in the major works published by Tamerlan Thorell (1887, 1895, 1897 and 1898). However, little research on spiders was done in the 20th Century because of changing and unstable national circumstances. Although only about 600 species of spiders have been recorded from Myanmar so far (Ono, 2022, unpublished data), it is estimated that more than three times as many species occur in the country.

Platygomphus feae

Liphistius tanakai (Liphistiidae), a new species discovered on Lampi Island, southern Myanmar (body length: 14 mm)

Coillina baka01
Coillina baka02

Coillina baka (Gnaphosidae) from Chin State, a first record from Myanmar(left: female, right: male)

Chilobrachys andersonii

Chilobrachys andersonii (Theraphosidae)
from Tanintharyi Region, a tarantula distributed from India to Malaysia (body length: 50 mm)

Utivarachna phyllicola

Utivarachna phyllicola (Trachelidae)
widely distributed in Southeast Asia was recorded from Tanintharyi Region (body length: 3.6 mm)