Ascomycete Japonicae Exsiccati

Ascomycete Japonicae Exsiccati

Ascomycete Japonicae Exsiccati is a set of dried fungal specimens distributed on exchange from the National Museum of Nature and Science Herbarium (TNS) to 10 herbaria around the world. Adopted to 21st century mycology, most of the specimens are accompanied with culture (usually deposited to Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE-BRC)), tissue samples and extracted DNA (deposited to Center for Molecular Biodiversity Research, National Museum of Nature and Science for collaborative research). When available, DNA sequences are deposited to DDBJ (Link) or UNITE (Link).


Tsuyoshi Hosoya (Ph.D.)
Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science
4-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0005, JAPAN
E-mail: hosoya[at]

Issued Catalogues

  • Fasc. 3. Nos. 21-30 (2022) [to be published soon]
  • Fasc. 2. Nos. 11-20 (2021) PDF/A (234KB)
  • Fasc. 1. Nos. 1-10 (2020) PDF/A (185KB)

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Recommended Citation:

Tsuyoshi Hosoya, Yukito Tochihara and Hiyori Itagaki (2021), Ascomycete Japonicae Exsiccati, fascicle 2, nos. 11-20. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B 47: 115-117.
Tsuyoshi Hosoya, Yukito Tochihara and Hiyori Itagaki (2020), Ascomycete Japonicae Exsiccati, fascicle 1, nos. 1-10. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B 45: 103-106.

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