Marine Mammals Information Database :Illustrated Guide of Marine Mammals

Amazonian manatee

Scientific Name : Trichechus inunguis / Japanese Name : Amazon-manati

Amazonian manatee(Trichechus inunguis)


Order Sirenia
Suborder -
Family Trichechidae
Genus Trichechus
Species inunguis
Subspecies -
Subtype -
CITES Appendix I IUCN RedData Status Vulnerable
Baleen plates or tooth-Upper jaw - Baleen plates or tooth-Lower jaw -
At birth At weaning Adult Adult male Adult female
大きさ - - - - -
重さ - - - - -
Feature and Habit
No description available.
Stranding Record(s) in Japan
No records exist.
Reference: ▼Amazonian manatee
Map ▼(Japanese)

Marine Mammals Skull Database

A click on the skull thumb nail will bring you to detailed images.

Sex - Reproductive Condition -
Body length - Locality -
Museum No. - Other No. -

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