Marine Mammals Information Database :Illustrated Guide of Marine Mammals


Scientific Name : Dugong dugon / Japanese Name : Jugon



Order Sirenia
Suborder -
Family Dugongidae
Genus Dugong
Species dugon
Subspecies -
Subtype -
CITES Appendix I IUCN RedData Status Vulnerable
Baleen plates or tooth-Upper jaw 2/0/3/3 Baleen plates or tooth-Lower jaw 3/1/3/3
At birth At weaning Adult Adult male Adult female
Body length - - 8-10ft - -
Body weight - - 250-400kg - -
Feature and Habit
Their body is massive. The flukes are triangular in shape with a notch at the center of the trailing edge. The flippers are movile. They have no claws. The tip of the rostrum is disklike in shape and the upper lip has the tactile hairs (vibrissae). The whole of the body is gray and the ventral side a little lighter. Their skin is smooth. They inhabit in shallow sea in the tropical to the subtropical zoneand eat seagrass such as Zostera marina. They are singleor sometimes in small pods. Conservation of the population in the Okinawawaters has been seriously discussed recently.
Stranding Record(s) in Japan
Reference: ▼Dugong
Map ▼(Japanese)

Marine Mammals Skull Database

A click on the skull thumb nail will bring you to detailed images.

Sex - Reproductive Condition -
Body length - Locality -
Museum No. - Other No. -

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