森田 航 Wataru Morita


  • Morita W, Morimoto N, Kono R.T, Suwa G., 2020. Metameric variation of upper molars in hominoids and its implications for the diversification of molar morphogenesis. Journal of Human Evolution 138: 102706.
  • Ida-Yonemochi H, Morita W, Sugiura N, Kawakami R, Morioka Y, Takeuchi Y, Sato T, Shibata S, Watanabe H, Imamura T, Igarashi M, Ohshima H, Takeuchi K., 2018. Craniofacial abnormality with skeletal dysplasia in mice lacking chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1. Scientific Reports 8: 17134.
  • Kimura T, Hino K, Kono T, Takano A, Nitta N, Ushio N, Hino S, Takase R, Kudo M, Daigo Y, Morita W, Nakao M, Nakatsukasa M, Tamagawa T, Rafiq AM, Matsumoto A, Otani H, Udagawa J., 2018. Maternal undernutrition during early pregnancy inhibits postnatal growth of the tibia in the female offspring of rats by alteration of chondrogenesis. General and Comparative Endocrinology 260: 58-66.
  • Zanolli C, Bayle P, Bondioli L, Dean MC, Le Luyer M, Mazurier A, Morita W, Macchiarelli R., 2017. Is the deciduous/permanent molar enamel thickness ratio a taxon-specific indicator in extant and extinct hominids? Comptes Rendus Palevol 16: 702–714.
  • Morita W, Morimoto N, Kunimatsu Y, Mazurier A, Zanolli C, Nakatsukasa M., 2017. A morphometric mapping analysis of lower fourth deciduous premolar in hominoids: Implications for phylogenetic relationship between Nakalipithecus and Ouranopithecus. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16: 655-669.
  • Kasahara N, Morita W, Tanaka R, Hayashi T, Kenmotsu S, Ohshima H., 2016. The Relationships of the Maxillary Sinus with the Superior Alveolar Nerves and Vessels as Demonstrated by Cone-beam CT Combined with µ-CT and Histological Analyses. Anatomical Record 299: 669–678.
  • Morita W, Morimoto N, Ohshima H., 2016. Exploring metameric variation in human molars: a morphological study using morphometric mapping. Journal of Anatomy 229: 343-355.
  • Morita W., 2016. Morphological comparison of the enamel-dentine junction and outer enamel surface of molars using a micro-computed tomography technique. Journal of Oral Biosciences, 58: 95–99.
  • Morita W, Yano W, Nagaoka T, Abe M, Ohshima H, Nakatsukasa M., 2014. Patterns of morphological variation in enamel-dentin junction and outer-enamel surface of human molars. Journal of Anatomy, 224: 669–680.
  • Morita W, Yano W, Nagaoka T, Abe M, Nakatsukasa M., 2014. Size and shape variability in human molars during odontogenesis. Journal of Dental Research, 93: 275–280.
  • 南 雅代, 市川 彰, 坂田 健, 森田 航, 伊藤伸幸, 2013. エル・サルバドル共和国から出土した先スペイン期埋葬人骨の同位体分析̶人の移動と食性復元にむけて. 考古学と自然科学, 64: 1-25.
  • 長岡朋人, 安部みき子, 蔦谷 匠, 川久保善智, 坂上和弘, 森田 航, 米田 穣, 宅間仁美, 八尋亮介, 平田和明, 稲原昭嘉, 2013. 明石市雲晴寺近世墓地から出土した明石藩家老親族の人骨. Anthropological Science (和文誌), 121: 31-48.
  • Morita W., Kusaka S, Yano W, Nakatsukasa M., 2012. Dental metric variability associated with human migration from skeletal remains of two Jomon sites (Yoshigo and Inariyama) in the Atsumi Peninsula area. Anthropological Science, 120: 167-177.
  • Nagaoka T, Seki Y, Morita W, Uzawa K, Aleman D, Morales D. 2012. A case study of a high-status human skeleton from Pacopampa in Formative-Period Peru. Anatomical Science International, 87: 234-237.
  • Kusaka S., Nakano T., Morita W., Nakatsukasa M., 2012. Strontium isotope analysis to reveal migration in relation to climate change and ritual tooth ablation of Jomon skeletal remains from western Japan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 31: 551-563.
  • 長岡朋人, 森田 航, 関 雄二, 鵜澤和宏, 井口欣也, フアン・パブロ・ビジャヌエバ, ディアナ・ アレマン, マウロ・オルドーニェス, ダニエル・モラーレス, 2011.ペルー, パコパンパ遺跡 から出土した人骨の生物考古学的研究. 古代アメリカ, 14: 1-27.
  • Ichikawa A., Morita W. Estudio del patrón funerario en el sureste Maya a través de la Arqueología y Antropología Física. 2010. XXIV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Museo Nacional Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala, 2: 857-874.