篠田 謙一 Kenichi Shinoda


  • Eisenhofer R, Kanzawa- Kiriyama H, Shinoda K, Weyrich LS. 2020 Investigating the demographic history of Japan using ancient oral microbiota.
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 375: 20190578.
  • 曽根田瞬,田中敏章,伊藤善也,加藤則子,佐藤亨至,立花克彦,横谷進,長谷川奉延,村田光範,磯島豪,吉井啓介,井ノ口美香子,篠田謙一,井省三 (2020) 小城成長研究データに基づく日本人男子の成長.第2編.成長学的な基準値を用いた思春期の縦断的な成長解析.日本成長学雑誌 Vol.26,No.1 pp.22-27.
  • 田中敏章,曽根田瞬,伊藤善也,加藤則子,佐藤亨至,立花克彦,横谷進,長谷川奉延,村田光範,磯島豪,吉井啓介,井ノ口美香子,篠田謙一,井省三 (2020) 小城成長研究データに基づく日本人男子の成長.第1編.生物学的定義に近似した成長学的な思春期開始の基準値の作成.日本成長学雑誌 Vol.26,No.1 pp.16-21.
  • Castro, M., Shinoda, K., Takano, H., Shimofusa, R., Yamamoto, S., and Sakaue, K. (2020) High Resolution Computed Tomography of a Chinchorro Mummy, Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 45, pp. 1–8.
  • 篠田謙一, 神澤秀明, 角田恒雄, 安達登. 2019. 西北九州弥生人の遺伝的な特徴 -佐世保市下本山岩陰遺跡出土人骨の核ゲノム解析-, Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 127, pp.25-43.
  • Kanzawa-Kiriyama H., Jinam TA., Kawai Y., Sato T., Hosomichi K., Tajima A., Adachi N., Matsumura H., Kryukov K., Saitou N., Shinoda K. 2019. Late Jomon male and female genome sequences from the Funadomari site in Hokkaido, Japan. Anthropological Science, Vol.27, pp. 83-108.
  • Shinoda, K. Kakuda, T., Doi, N. 2019. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the skeletal remains excavated from the old Tokijin tomb, located in the Nakijin village of Okinawa Island. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 44, pp. 1–8.
  • Matsumura, H., Shinoda, K., Shimanjuntak, T., Oktaviana, A.A., Noerwidi, S., Sofian, H.O., Prastiningtyas, D., Nguyen, L.C. Kakuda, T., Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H., Adachi, N., Hung, HC., Fan, X., Wu, X., Willis, A., Oxenham, M.F. 2018. Cranio-morphometric and aDNA corroboration of the Austronesian dispersal model in ancient Island Southeast Asia: Support from Gua Harimau, Indonesia. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198689.
  • Shinoda K. and Kakuda T. 2017. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of the Human Remains Excavated from Huiyaotian and Liyupo. Ed. Matsumura H., Hung H-C., L. Z., Shinoda K. "Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gathere Sites at Huiyaotoan and Limpo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monograph No. 47. P.199-204.
  • Saeki F., Sawada J., Suzuki T., Hatano Y., Shinoda K. 2017. Morphological and paleopathological report of the Late Jomon human remains from the Daizen-no-minami site, Chiba Prefecture. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 43, pp. 17-31.
  • Kondo M., Ogihara N., Matsu’ura S., Anada S., Ito K., Murata M., Tanaka T., Takai S., Shinoda K. 2017. Allometric relationship between hand bone lengths and stature in a modern Japanese population. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 43, pp. 7-15.
  • Kondo M., Ogihara N., Shinoda K., Anada S., Ito K., Murata M., Tanaka T., Takai S., Matsu’ura S. 2017. Sexual dimorphism in the human hand proportion: A radiographic study. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 43, pp. 1-6.
  • Adachi N., Kakuda T., Takahashi R., Kanzawa-Kiriyama H. Shinoda K. 2017. Ethnic derivation of the Ainu inferred from ancient mitochondrial DNA data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23338.
  • 篠田 謙一, 神澤 秀明, 角田 恒雄, 安達 登 2017. 佐世保市岩下洞穴および下本山岩陰遺跡出土人骨のミトコンドリアDNA分析. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) Vol.125 p. 49-63.
  • 篠田謙一,神澤秀明,角田恒雄,安達登. 2017. 沖縄先史人はどこから来たのか −DNAが語る集団の系統−.科学, Vol.87,pp.555-558, 岩波書店.
  • 篠田謙一. 2017. 日本人の起源に関する最近のDNA人類学の動向, 科学, Vol.87,No.2, pp.162-165. 岩波書店.
  • Shinoda, K., Adachi, N., 2017. Ancient DNA Analysis of Palaeolithic Ryukyu Islanders, In: terra australis 45, New Perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific Prehistory, pp.51-60. Australian National University Press.
  • SHINODA,K., KAKUDA,T., KANZAWA-KIRIYAMA1 H., ADACHI,N., PRASTININGTYAS,D., NOERWIDI,S., MATSUMURA,H. 2017. Determination of the genetic characteristics of ancient skeletal remains excavated from the Gua Harimau site in Sumatra. In. Austronesian Diaspora -A New Perspective-, pp.511-521, Gajah Mada University Press, Indonesia
  • 篠田謙一. 2016. 人類史研究の最前線 -化石とゲノムの研究はどこに向かうのか-. 生物の科学遺伝. Vol. 70, No.6, pp.442-445. エヌ・ティー・エス.
  • Kanzawa-Kiriyama H, Kryukov K, Jinam TA, Hosomichi K, Saso A, Suwa G, Ueda S, Yoneda M, Tajima A, Shinoda K, Inoue I, Saitou N. 2016. A partial nuclear genome of the Jomons who lived 3000 years ago in Fukushima, Japan. Journal of Human Genetics.(advance online publication, September 1, 2016).
  • 篠田謙一. 2015. 遺伝情報から見た日本人の起源と成立の過程. 細胞工学. Vol.34. No.9 ,pp.902-905.
  • Shinoda K, Kakuda T, Kanzawa-KiriyamaH, Adachi N, Tsai PY, Tsai HK. 2014. Mitochondrial genetic diversity of Pingpu tribes in Taiwan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 40, pp. 1–12.
  • Shinoda,K., Kakuda, T., Doi, N. 2013. Ancient DNA analysis of skeletal remains from the Gusuku period excavated from two archaeological sites in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. D, 39, pp.1-8.
  • Shinoda, K., Kakuda, T., and Doi, N., 2012. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in late Shell midden period skeletal remains excavated from two archaeological sites in Okinawa. Bulltin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D. Vol.38, pp.51-61.
  • Adachi, N., Shinoda, K., Umetsu, K., Kitano, T., Matsumura, H., Fujiyama, R., Sawada, K., and Tanaka, M. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Hokkaido Jomon Skeletons: Remnants of Archaic Maternal Lineages at the Southwestern Edge of Former Beringia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 146:346–360.
  • 篠田謙一、安達登. 2010. DNAが語る「日本人への旅」の複眼的視点. 科学 Vol.80, No.4, 368-372. 岩波書店.
  • Shinoda K., Umetsu K., & Sekino Y. 2009. Mitochondrial DNA diversity and population differentiation in ethnic groups in Laos. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Ser D, Vol. 35, 25-34.
  • 篠田謙一. 2009. DNAが解明する現生人類の起源と拡散. Journal of Geography. 118(2):311-319.
  • Adachi, N., Shinoda, K.,Umetsu, K.,Matsumra, H. 2009. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Jomon Skeletons From the Funadomari Site, Hokkaido, and Its Implication for the Origins of Native American. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 138(3), 255-265.
  • Shinoda,K and Doi, N. 2008. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of human skeletal remains obtained from the old tomb of Suubaru: Genetic characteristics of the westernmost island Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci, D, 34, 11-18.
  • Matsumura H, Yoneda M, Dodo Y, Oxenham M, Cuong NL, Thuy NK, Dung LM, Long VT, Yamagata M, Sawada J, Shinoda K, Takigawa W. 2008. Terminal Pleistocen human skeleton from Hang Cho Cave, northern Vietnam: implications for the biological sffinities of Hoabinian people. Anthropological Science, 116:201-217.
  • 篠田謙一 2008. 国立台湾大学所蔵のブヌン族人骨のミトコンドリアDNA分析. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) Vol.116(2):154-160.
  • 篠田謙一. 2008. 遺伝子と人骨が語る日本人の成り立ち 岩波書店 「科学」78巻1号 pp40-45.

  • K. Kato, K.Shinoda, Y. Kitagawa, Y. Manabe, J. Oyamada, K. Igawa, H. Vidal, and A. Rokutanda, 2007. A possible case of prophylactic supra-inion trepanation in a child cranium with an auditory deformity (pre-Columbian Ancon site, Peru). Anthropological Science, 115:227-232.
  • K.Shinoda, 2007, Molecular genetic analysis of 16th-18th century remains from Ishikobara site, Nagano Prefecture , Japan. Bull.Natn.Sci.Mus.,Tokyo, Ser.D,33, pp9-20.
  • 篠田謙一.2007. インカのDNA.日経サイエンス9月号. pp.74-79.日経サイエンス社.
  • Shimada, I., Shinoda,K., Alva, A., Burget, S., Uceda, S. 2006. Estudios arqueogeneticos de las poblaciones prehispanicas mochica y sican: Resultados e implicancias. Arqueologica y Sociedad, No.17, 223-254.
  • 篠田謙一 2007. ミトコンドリアDNAが解明する日本人の起源 遺伝 61:39-43
  • K.Shinoda, N.Adachi, S.Guillen, I.Shimada 2006 Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Peruvian Highlanders. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 131:98-107.
  • Shinoda, K., 2004. Ancient DNA analysis of skeletal samples recovered from the Kuma-Nishioda Yayoi site. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. D, 30: 1-8.
  • Tanaka,M., V. M. Cabrera, A. M. González, J. M. Larruga, T. Takeyasu, N. Fuku, L-J. Guo, R. Hirose, Y. Fujita, M. Kurata, K. Shinoda, K. Umetsu, Y. Yamada, Y.Oshida, Y. Sato, N. Hattori, Y. Mizuno, Y. Arai, N. Hirose, S. Ohta, O. Ogawa, Y. Tanaka, R.Kawamori, M. Shamoto-Nagai, W. Maruyama, H. Shimokata, R. Suzuki, H. Shimodaira, 2004. Mitochondrial Genome Variation in Eastern Asia and the Peopling of Japan. Genom Res., 14:1832-1850.
  • Shimada I., K.Shinoda, J.Farnum, R.Corruccini, H.Watanabe, 2004. An Integrated Analysis of PreHispanic Mortuary Practices. -A Middle Sican Case Study-. Current Anthropology, 45: 369-402.
  • 篠田謙一・鵜殿俊史, 2003. 血統と分子系統分類による国内飼育チンパンジーの亜種分類. 九州実験動物雑誌, 19: 39-45.
  • 篠田謙一・鵜殿俊史・吉原耕一郎・嶋田誠・竹中修, 2003. 分子系統分析に基づく国内飼育チンパンジーの亜種判定. 霊長類研究, 19: 145-155.
  • 篠田謙一, 2003. 遺跡発掘骨のミトコンドリアDNA解析. Science of Humanity, 42: 10-18.