清 拓哉 Takuya Kiyoshi


  • Takuya Kiyoshi, Naoji Katatani and Hong Thai Pham, 2018. Sundaeschna gen. nov. with Descriptions of Two New Species from Vietnam and Myanmar (Odonata, Anisoptera, Aeshnidae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A (Zoology). 44:1-9.
  • Tsuyoshi Takeuchi, Moe Takahashi, Mana Nishimoto, Takuya Kiyoshi, Koji Tsuchida, Tetsuro Nomura & Junichi Takahashi (2018) Genetic structure of the bumble bee Bombus hypocrita sapporoensis , a potential domestic pollinator for crops in Japan, Journal of Apicultural Research, 57:2, 203-212,
  • Yuri Shinmura, Hisashi Okuyama, Takuya Kiyoshi, Chung-Ping Lin, Tatsuhiko Kadowaki, Jun-ichi Takahashi. The complete mitochondrial genome and genetic distinction of the Taiwanese honeybee, Apis cerana (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Conservation Genetics Resources (in press)
  • Takeuchi T., R. Takahashi., T. Kiyoshi., M. Nakamura.,Y. N. Minoshima and J. Takahashi. 2017. The origin and genetic diversity of the yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina introduced in Japan. Insect Sociaux 64(3): 313–320
  • Nishimoto, M., H.Okuyama, T. Kiyoshi, T.Nomura, J. Takahashi. Complete mitochondrial genome of the Japanese bumblebee, Bombus hypocrita hypocrita (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae). Mitochondrial DNA: Part B. (in press)
  • Wakamiya, T., S. Tingek, H. Okuyama, T.Kiyoshi, J. Takahashi. The complete mitochondrial genome of the cavity-nesting honeybee, Apis koschevnikovi (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae) . Mitochondrial DNA: Part B(in press).
  • Kiyoshi, T., N. Katatani, T. Kompier and W.C. Yeh. 2016. A new species and additional records of the genus Sarasaeschna from Laos and Vietnam (Odonata, Anisoptera, Aeshnidae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A 42(4). (in press)
  • Shinohar, A., T. Kiyoshi and Y. Kameda (2016) New Distribution Records of Two Species of Arge and Spinarge (Hymenoptera, Argidae) from Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A (Zoology). (in press)
  • A. Shinohara, Y. Kameda, S. Ibuki, T. Kiyoshi, T. kakuda and H. Kojima. 2016. Pamphilius ishikawai feeds on Astilbe: the first record of Pamphiliidae
    (Hymenoptera) associated with Saxifragaceae. Zootaxa 4098(1): 167–178.
  • Jun-ichi Takahashi, Mana Nishimoto, Takeshi Wakamiya, Moe Takahashi, Takuya Kiyoshi, Koji Tsuchida, Tetsuro Nomura, 2016.Complete mitochondrial genome of the Japanese bumblebee, Bombus hypocrita sapporensis (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae). Mitochondrial DNA PartB: Resources. (in press)
  • Jun-ichi Takahashi, Takeshi Wakamiya, Takuya Kiyoshi, Hironobu Uchiyama, Shunsuke Yajima Kiyoshi Kimura and Tetsuro Nomura, 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Japanese honeybee, Apis cerana japonica (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae) . Mitochondrial DNA: Resources.
  • Wen-Chi Yeh, Takuya Kiyoshi and Min Wang (2015) Sarasaeschna gaofengensis sp. nov. (Odonata: Aeshnidae), a new dragonfly species described from Yunnan, China. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A (Zoology) (in press)
  • Tsuyoshi Takeuchi, Junichi Takahashi, Takuya Kiyoshi, Tetsuro Nomura and Yoshitaka Tsubaki, (2015). Genetic differentiation in the endangered myrmecophilous butterfly Niphanda fusca: a comparison of natural and secondary habitats. Conservation Genetics 16: 979-986.
  • A. SHINOHARA, M-.C-. WEI& T. KIYOSHI. 2015. Arge pyracanthae n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Argidae) feeding onPyracanthafortuneana in Hunan Province, China. Zootaxa 3947 (3): 407–416
  • Kiyoshi, T., M. Fukui, K. Fukunaga, J. Takahashi and Y. Tsubaki, 2014. A Preliminary Report on the Genetic Diversity of a Highly Endangered dragonfly, Libellula angelina Selys, 1883, in the Okegaya-numa Pond, Shizuoka, Japan. Tombo, Acta Odonatologica Japonica, 56: 61–63
  • T. Kiyoshi and T. Hikida(2012) Geographical Variation in the Wing Morphology of the Golden-ringed Dragonfly Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) (Odonata, Cordulegastridae) Detected by
    Landmark-based Geometric Morphometrics. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Series A. (in press)
  • Takuya Kiyoshi, Jun-ichi Takahashi, Takehiko Yamanaka, Koichi Tanaka, Kenji Hamasaki, Koji Tsuchida and Yoshitaka Tsubaki (2011) Taxonomic uncertainty of a highly endangered brook damselfly, Copera tokyoensis Asahina, 1948 (Odonata Platycnemididae), revealed by the mitochondrial gene genealogy. Conservation genetics 12(3): 845-849.
  • Kiyoshi, T. (2011) Differentiation History of Dragonflies in the Insular East Asia Revealed by the Gene Genealogy (Odonata: Hexapoda) pp. 115-131 In (Ed) D.S. Rutgers.Phylogeography: Concepts, Intraspecific Patterns and Speciation Process. Nova Science Publishers, New York.
  • Tadatsugu Hosoya and Takuya Kiyoshi (2009) Records on genus Baryrhynchus (Brentidae, Arrhenodini) in Akuseki Island, Tokara Islands, Japan.,Elytra,37(1): 51-52.
  • Kiyoshi, T. (2008) Differentiation of golden-ringed dragonfly Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) (Cordulegastridae: Odonata) in the insular East Asia revealed by the mitochondrial gene genealogy, with taxonomic implications. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 46: 105–109.
  • Tokita, M., Kiyoshi, T. and Armstrong, KN. (2007) Evolution of craniofacial novelty in parrots through developmental modularity and heterochrony. Evolution & Development 9: 590–601.
  • Kiyoshi, T and Sota, T. (2006) Differentiation of the dragonfly genus Davidius (Odonata: Gomphidae) in Japan inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene genealogies. Zoological Science 23: 1–8.
  • 奥山永・高橋稜一・中M 直之・大庭伸也・清拓哉・溝田浩二・高橋純一, 2017. 対馬島に生息する絶滅危惧昆虫4種のDNA バーコード領域(ミトコンドリアDNA COI 領域)の塩基配列報告. 長崎県生物学会誌 80: 7–8.
  • 若宮健・吉岡優奈・清拓哉・高橋純一 (2016).対馬に生息するニホンミツバチ(Apis cerana japonica Radoszkowski)のミトコンドリアゲノムに見られた遺伝的変異. 長崎県生物学会誌 78: 7–14.
  • 高橋稜一・清拓哉・高橋純一. 2016. DNA バーコーディング法を利用したツマアカスズメバチの食性解析の試み. 長崎県生物学会 78: 43–48.
  • 高 橋 稜 一・境 良 朗・山 村 辰 美 ・清 拓 哉・高 橋 純 一, 2015. 対馬で初めて採集された外来種ツマアカスズメバチ (Vespa velutina )の成熟巣. 長崎県生物学会誌, (76): 49-56.
  • 倉持利明・篠原明彦・小野展嗣・野村周平・神保宇嗣・斎藤寛・長谷川和範・西海功・川田伸一郎・友国雅章・大和田守・清拓哉 (2014)皇居の生物相II. 動物相. 国立科学博物館専報 (50): 1-7.
  • 須田真一・清 拓哉,2014.皇居のトンボ類.国立科学博物館専報,50:105–128.
  • 清拓哉・細谷忠嗣・小長谷達郎・藏滿司夢. (2012)トカラ列島諏訪之瀬島からのカトリヤンマの採集例. Tombo 54: 143–144.
  • 細谷忠嗣・清 拓哉・川下悠希. (2009) 鹿児島県トカラ列島宝島の水生甲虫類. 甲虫ニュース 165: 5–9.
  • 清 拓哉. (2003) 兵庫県南部からのハネビロトンボ未熟個体の記録. Gracile 66: 37.