保坂 健太郎 Kentaro Hosaka
- Degawa, Y., T. Hosoya, K. Hosaka, Y. Hirayama, Y. Saito and Y.-J. Zhao, 2015. Rediscovery of Roesleria subterranea from Japan with a discussion of its infraspecific relationships detected using molecular analysis. MycoKeys, 9: 1-9.
- 細矢剛・保坂健太郎・宮嵜厚・後藤康彦・松井英幸・服部力, 2015. 2014年度日本菌学会菌類観察会目録. 日本菌学会ニュースレター, 2015-1: 2-7.
- 糟谷大河・内田暁友・保坂健太郎, 2015. 北海道東部の海浜から新たに発見されたアカダマスッポンタケ. Bulletin of the Shiretoko Museum, 37: 13-19.
- Ohmura, Y., K. Matsukura, J. P. Abe, K. Hosaka, M. Tamaoki, T. Dohi, M. Kakishima and M. R. D. Seaward, 2015. 137Cs concentrations in foliose lichens within Tsukuba-city as a reflection of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 141: 38-43.
- Tedersoo, L., M. Bahram, S. Põlme, U. Kõljalg, N. S. Yorou, R. Wijesundera, L. V. Ruiz, A. M. Vasco-Palacios, P. Q. Thu, A. Suija, M. E. Smith, C. Sharp, E. Saluveer, A. Saitta, M. Rosas, T. Riit, D. Ratkowsky, K. Pritsch, K. Põldmaa, M. Piepenbring, C. Phosri, M. Peterson, K. Parts, K. Pärtel, E. Otsing, E. Nouhra, A. L. Njouonkou, R. H. Nilsson, L. N. Morgado, J. Mayor, T. W. May, L. Majuakim, D. J. Lodge, S. S. Lee, K. Larsson, P. Kohout, K. Hosaka, I. Hiiesalu, T. W. Henkel, H. Harend, L. Guo, A. Greslebin, G. Grelet, J. Geml, G. Gates, W. Dunstan, C. Dunk, R. Drenkhan, J. Dearnaley, A. De Kesel, T. Dang, X. Chen, F. Buegger, F. Q. Brearley, G. Bonito, S. Anslan, S. Abell and K. Abarenkov, 2014. Global diversity and geography of soil fungi. Science, 346: DOI: 10.1126/science.1256688.
- Hibbett, D. D., R. Bauer, M. Binder, A.J. Giachini, K. Hosaka, A. Justo, E. Larsson, K.H. Larsson, J.D. Lawrey, O. Miettinen, L. Nagy, R.H. Nilsson, M. Weiss, and R.G. Thorn. 2014. Agaricomycetes. Pp. 373-429 In: The Mycota, vol. VII, Second Ed., Part A. Systematics and Evolution (D. J. McLaughlin and J. W. Spatafora, eds.). Springer Verlag.
- Pota, S., S. Chatasiri, J. Unartngam, Y. Yamaoka, K. Hosaka and Y. Ono, 2014. Taxonomic identity of a Phakopsora fungus causing the grapevine leaf rust disease in Southeast Asia and Australasia. Mycoscience, DOI:10.1016/j.myc.2014.06.003.
- Trierveiler-Pereira, L., R. M. B. da Silveira and K. Hosaka, 2014. Multigene phylogeny of the Phallales (Phallomycetidae, Agaricomycetes) focusing on some previously unrepresented genera. Mycologia, 106: 904-911.
- 名部みち代・糟谷大河・保坂健太郎, 2014. 日本新産種Leucoagaricus viridiflavus(ハラタケ科). 日本菌学会会報, 55: 35-40.
- Mujic, A. B., K. Hosaka and J. W. Spatafora, 2014. Rhizopogon togasawarina sp. nov., the first report of Rhizopogon associated with an Asian species of Pseudotsuga. Mycologia, 106: 105-112.
- Zamora, J. C., F. Calonge, K. Hosaka and M. P. Martin, 2014. Systematics of the genus Geastrum (Fungi: Basidiomycota) revisited. Taxon, 63: 477-497.
- Hosaka, K., 2014. Phylogenetic analyses of a truffle-like genus, Boninogaster, from Hahajima Island, the Bonin Islands, Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 40: 61-67.
- 保坂健太郎, 2014. 植物分類研究マニュアル14. 菌類(特にきのこ類)の採集と標本作成およびその利用方法. Bunrui, 14: 193-202.
- Trierveiler-Pereira, L., A. A. R. Meijer, K. Hosaka and R. M. B. Silveira, 2014. Updates on Protubera (Protophallaceae, Phallales) and additional notes on P. maracuja. Mycoscience, 55: 35-42.
- 保坂健太郎・宇野邦彦・南京沃, 2014. 皇居吹上御苑のスダジイ林とクヌギ林におけるキノコ類メタゲノム解析(予報). Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 49: 171-178.
- 長澤栄史・保坂健太郎, 2014. 皇居吹上御苑の菌類目録(ハラタケ綱,シロキクラゲ綱,アカキクラゲ綱). Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 49: 113-125.
- 細矢剛・保坂健太郎, 2014. 第II期調査で得られた皇居吹上御苑の子嚢菌類. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 49: 103-112.
- 山本幸憲・松本淳・細矢剛・保坂健太郎・山崎勇人・島野田鶴子, 2014. 2012年採集の皇居産変形菌. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 49: 185-192.
- 出川洋介・陶山舞・瀬戸健介・中島淳志・森下奈津子・細矢剛・保坂健太郎, 2014. 皇居吹上御苑のケカビ類. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 49: 147-169.
- 岩科司・樋口正信・門田裕一・田中法生・細矢剛・保坂健太郎・大村嘉人・辻彰洋・北山太樹, 2013. 皇居の生物相II. 植物相. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, 49: 1-4.
- 糟谷大河・宇野邦彦・保坂健太郎, 2013. 茨城県におけるヒタチノスナジホコリタケ(担子菌門,ハラタケ科)の追加記録およびその系統的位置. 茨城県自然博物館研究報告, 16: 43-49.
- Trierveiler-Pereira, L., A. A. R. Meijer, K. Hosaka and R. M. B. Silveira, 2014. Updates on Protubera (Protophallaceae, Phallales) and additional notes on P. maracuja. Mycoscience, 55: 35-42.
- Ohmura, Y., K. Hosaka, T. Kasuya, J. P. Abe and M. Kakishima, 2013. Activity concentrations of radionuclides in lichens following the Fukushima nuclear accident. The Lichenologist, 45: 685-689.
- Wilson, A. W., K. Hosaka, B. A. Perry and G. M. Mueller, 2013. Laccaria (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) from Tibet (Xizang Autonomous Region, China). Mycoscience, 54: 406-419.
- Hosoya T., K. Hosaka, Y. Saito, Y. Degawa and R. Suzuki, 2013. Naemacyclus culmigenus, a newly reported potential pathogen to Miscanthus sinensis, new to Japan. Mycoscience, 54: 433-437.
- Hosaka, K. and K. Uno, 2013. Assessment of the DNA quality in mushroom specimens: a recovery of the whole ITS sequence from fragmented DNA of the type specimen. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 39: 53-60.
- 保坂健太郎, 2014. 国立科学博物館とキノコ多様性プロジェクト. 化学と生物, 52: 627-631.
- 細矢剛・保坂健太郎・後藤康彦・服部力・長澤栄史, 2014. 2013年度日本菌学会菌類観察会目録. 日本菌学会ニュースレター, 2014-1: 7-11.
- Nomura, N., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, S. W. Gale, A. Maeda, H. Umata, K. Hosaka and T. Yukawa, 2013. The rare terrestrial orchid Nervilia nipponica consistently associates with a single group of novel mycobionts. Journal of Plant Research, 126: 613-623.
- 保坂健太郎, 2013. 遺伝子解析によるキノコの同定. 中毒研究, 26: 205-209.
- 保坂健太郎・井口潔・折原貴道, 2013. 明治神宮境内より採集された担子菌類. 鎮座百年記念第二次明治神宮境内総合調査報告書, 125-134.
- Lugo, M. A., E. M. Crespo, K. Hosaka and L. S. Dominguez, 2012. Broomeia congregata Berk., 1844 (Agaricales: Broomeiaceae): new distribution record for San Luis, Argentina. Check List, 8: 531-533.
- Hosaka, K. and K. Uno, 2012. A preliminary survey on larval diversity in mushroom fruit bodies. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 38: 77-85.
- Kasuya, T., K. Hosaka, K. Uno and M. Kakishima, 2012. Phylogenetic placement of Geastrum melanocephalum and polyphyly of Geastrum triplex. Mycoscience, 53: 411-426.
- Zhao, Y.-J., T. Hosoya, H.-O. Baral, K. Hosaka and M. Kakishima, 2012. Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, the correct name for Lambertella albida reported from Japan. Mycotaxon, 122: 25-41.
- 糟谷大河・都野展子・橋屋誠・黒川悦子・宇野邦彦・保坂健太郎, 2013. コウベモグラの営巣例および日本産ナガエノスギタケの系統的位置に関する知見. 小松市立博物館紀要, 47: 23-34.
- 保坂健太郎・細矢剛・服部力・吹春俊光・高橋春樹・松井英幸・種山裕一・宇野邦彦・寺嶋芳江, 2012. 2012年沖縄県石垣島菌類観察会において鑑定されてきのこ目録. 琉球大学農学部学術報告, 59: 35-46.
- 細矢剛・保坂健太郎・長澤栄史・服部力, 2012. 2011年度日本菌学会菌類観察会観察菌類目録. 日本菌学会ニュースレター, 2012-2: 1-4.
- Schoch, C. L., K. A. Seifert, S. Huhndorf, V. Robert, J. L. Spouge, C. A. Levesque, W. Chen, E. Bolchacova, K. Voigt, P. W. Couse, A. N. Miller, M. J. Wingfield, M. C. Aime, K.-D. An, F.-Y. Bai, R. W. Barreto, D. Begerow, M.-J. Bergeron, M. Blackwell, T. Boekhout, M. Bogale, N. Boonyuen, A. R. Burgaz, B. Buyck, L. Cai, Q. Cai, G. Cardinali, P. Chaverri, B. J. Coppins, A. Crespo, P. Cubas, C. Cumings, U. Damm, Z.W. de Beer, G. S. de Hoog, R. Del-Prado, B. Dentinger, J. Diéguez-Uribeondo, P. K. Divakar, B. Douglas, M. Dueñas, T. A. Duong, U. Eberhardt, J. E. Edwards, M. S. Elshahed, K. Fliegerova, M. Furtado, M. A. García, Z.-W. Ge, G. W. Griffith, K. Griffiths, J. Z. Groenewald, M. Groenewald, M. Grube, M. Gryzenhout, L.-D. Guo, F. Hagen, S. Hambleton, R. C. Hamelin, K. Hansen, P. Harrold, G. Heller, C. Herrera, K. Hirayama, Y. Hirooka, H.-M. Ho, K. Hoffmann, V. Hofstetter, F. Högnabba, P. M. Hollingsworth, S.-B. Hong, K. Hosaka, J. Houbraken, K. Hughes, , S. Huhtinen, K. D. Hyde, T. James, J. E. Johnson, P. R. Johnston, E. B. G. Jones, L. J. Kelly, P. M. Kirk, D. G. Knapp, U. Kõljalg, G. M. Kovács, C. P. Kurtzman, S. Landvik, S. D. Leavitt, A. S. Liggenstoffer, K. Liimatainen, L. Lombard, J. J. Luangsa-ard, H. T. Lumbsch, H. Maganti, S. S. N. Maharachchikumbura, M. P. Martin, T. W. May, A. R. McTaggart, A. S. Methven, W. Meyer, J.-M. Moncalvo, S. Mongkolsamrit, L. G. Nagy, R. H. Nilsson, T. Niskanen, I. Nyilasi, G. Okada, I. Okane, I. Olariaga, J. Otte, T. Papp, D. Park, T. Petkovits, R. Pino-Bodas, W. Quaedvlieg, H. A. Raja, D. Redecker, T. L. Rintoul, C. Ruibal, J. M. Sarmiento-Ramírez, I. Schmitt, A. Schüßler, C. Shearer, K. Sotome, F. O. P. Stefani, S. Stenroos, B. Stielow, H. Stockinger, S. Suetrong, S.-O. Suh, G.-H. Sung, M. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, L. Tedersoo, M. T. Telleria, E. Tretter, W. A. Untereiner, H. Urbina, C. Vágvölgyi, A. Vialle, T. D. Vu, G. Walther, Q.-M. Wang, Y. Wang, B. S. Weir, M. Weiß, M. M. White, J. Xu, R. Yahr, Z. L. Yang, A. Yurkov, J.-C. Zamora, N. Zhang, W.-Y. Zhuang & D. Schindel, 2012. Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA bardode marker for Fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America, doi:10.1073/pnas.1117018109.
- Hosaka, K., 2012. Preliminary list of Phallales (Phallomycetidae, Basidiomycota) in Thailand. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, 48: 81-89.
- Kasuya, T., K. Hosaka, H. Sakamoto, A. Uchida, T. Hoshino & M. Kakishima M, 2011. New records of Geastrum from Japanese sand dunes. Mycotaxon,118: 1-15.
- Caffot M. L. H., L. S. Dominguez, K. Hosaka, E. M. Crespo, 2011. Tulostoma domingueziae sp. nov. from Polylepis australis woodlands in Cordoba Mountains, central Argentina. Mycologia, 103: 1047-1054.
- Hosaka, K. & K. Uno, 2011. Assessment of the DNA quality in mushroom specimens: effect of drying temperature. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 37: 101-111.
- Hosoya, T., K. Hosaka & Y. Ohmura, 2011. Preliminary mycobiota assessment on Kita-Iwojima Island, Ogasawara Islands. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, 47: 405-41.
- Giachini AJ, Hosaka K, Nouhra E, Spatafora J & Trappe JM, 2010. Phylogenetic relationships of the Gomphales based on nuc-25S-rDNA, mit-12S-rDNA, and mit-atp6 DNA combined sequences. Fungal Biology, 114: 224-234.
- Hosaka K, Kasuya T, Reynolds HT & Sung GH, 2010. A new record of Elaphomyces guangdongensis (Elaphomycetaceae, Eurotiales, Fungi) from Taiwan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 36: 107-115.
- Hosoya T, Han JG, Sung GH, Hirayama Y, Tanaka K, Hosaka K, Tanaka I & Shin HD, 2010. Molecular phylogenetic assessment of the genus Hyphodiscus with description of Hyphodiscus hyaloscyphoides sp. nov. Mycological Progress, DOI: 10.1007/s11557-010-0693-2
- 細矢剛・保坂健太郎,2010.菌類標本の作成・利用・管理.Micobiol. Cult. Coll., 26: 11-17.
- 細矢剛・保坂健太郎・藤岡佳代子・前川二太郎・長沢栄史,2011. 2010年度日本菌学会菌類観察菌類目録.日本菌学会ニュースレター,2011-2: 8-10.
- 細矢剛・根田仁・服部力・保坂健太郎・村上康明・吹春俊光・金城一彦・寺嶋芳江, 2011. 西表島菌類観察会において鑑定されたきのこ目録. 琉球大学農学部学術報告, 58: 21-28.
- Hosaka K, 2010. Preliminary list of Phallales (Phallomycetidae, Basidiomycota) in Taiwan. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, 46: 57-64.
- Hosoya T, Sasagawa R, Hosaka K, Sung G-H, Hirayama Y, Yamaguchi K, Toyama K & Kakishima M, 2010. Molecular phylogenetic studies of Lachnum and its allies based on the Japanese material. Mycoscience. Doi: 10.1007/s10267-009-0023-1
- Sato T, Uzuhashi S, Hosoya T & Hosaka K, 2010. A list of fungi found in the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands. Ogasawara Research, 35: 59-160.
- Slot JC, Hallstrom KN, Matheny PB, Hosaka K, Mueller G, Robertson DL & Hibbett DS, 2010. Structural and functional diversification of high affinity nitrate transporters in three clades of mushroom forming fungi from different ecologies. Fungal Ecology, doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2009.10.001
- Hosaka K, 2009. Phylogeography of the genus Pisolithus revisited with some additional taxa from New Caledonia and Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 35: 151-167.
- 根田仁・小林久泰・保坂健太郎・早乙女梢・糟谷大河,2009.茨城県西部および筑波山周辺地域の担子菌きのこ類.茨城県自然博物館総合調査報告書,pp. 35-39.
- 保坂健太郎,2009.茨城県西部および筑波山周辺地域の腹菌類.茨城県自然博物館総合調査報告書,pp. 41-44.
- 根田仁・小林久泰・保坂健太郎・早乙女梢・糟谷大河,2009.茨城県西部および筑波山周辺地域の担子菌きのこリスト.茨城県自然博物館総合調査報告書,pp. 45-55.
- Schoch CL, Sung G-H, López-Giráldez F, Townsend JP, Miadlikowska J, Hofstetter V, Robbertse B, Matheny PB, Kauff F, Wang Z, Gueidan C, Andrie RM, Trippe K, Ciufetti LM, Wynns A, Fraker E, Hodkinson BP, Bonito G, Yahr R, Groenewald JZ, Arzanlou M, de Hoog GS, Crous PW, Hewitt D, Pfister DH, Peterson K, Gryzenhout M, Wingfield MJ, Aptroot A, Suh S-H, Blackwell M, Hillis DM, Griffith GW, Castlebury LA, Rossman AW, Lumbsch HT, Lücking R, Büdel B, Rauhut A, Diederich P, Ertz D, Geiser DM, Hosaka K, Inderbitzin P, Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B, Mostert L, O’Donnell K, Sipman H, Rogers JD, Shoemaker RA, Sugiyama J, Summerbell RC, Untereiner W, Johnston P, Stenroos S, Zuccaro A, Dyer P, Crittenden P, Cole MS, Hansen K, Trappe JM, Lutzoni F, Spatafora JW. 2009. The Ascomycota Tree of Life: A phylum wide phylogeny clarifies the origin and evolution of fundamental reproductive and ecological traits. Systematic Biology , 58: 224-239.
- Hosaka K, Castellano MA (2008) Molecular phylogenetics of Geastrales with special emphasis on the position of Sclerogaster. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B 34: 161-173.
- Hosaka K, Castellano MA, Spatafora JW (2008) Biogeography of the Hysterangiales (Phallomycetidae, Basidiomycota). Mycological Research 112: 448-462.
- Bidartondo MI, Bruns TD, Blackwell M, Edwards I, Taylor AF, Horton T, Zhang N, Kõljalg U, May G, Kuyper TW, Bever JD, Gilbert G, Taylor JW, DeSantis TZ, Pringle A, Borneman J, Thorn G, Berbee M, Mueller GM, Andersen GL, Vellinga EC, Branco S, Anderson I, Dickie IA, Avis P, Timonen S, Kjøller R, Lodge DJ, Bateman RM, Purvis A, Crous PW, Hawkes C, Barraclough T, Burt A, Nilson RH, Larsson K-H, Alexander I, Moncalvo J-M, Berube J, Spatafora J, Lumbsch HT, Blair JE, Suh S-O, Pfister DH, Binder M, Boehm EW, Kohn L, Mata JL, Dyer P, Sung G-H, Dentinger B, Simmons EG, Baird RE, Volk TJ, Perry BA, Kerrigan RW, Campbell J, Rajesh J, Reynolds DR, Geiser D, Humber RA, Hausmann N, Szaro T, Stajich J, Gathman A, Peay KG, Henkel T, Robinson CH, Pukkila PJ, Nguyen NH, Villalta C, Kennedy P, Bergemann S, Aime MC, Kauff F, Porras-Alfaro A, Gueidan C, Beck A, Andersen B, Marek S, Crouch JA, Kerrigan J, Ristaino JB, Hodge KT, Kuldau G, Samuels GJ, Raja HA, Voglmayr H, Gardes M, Janos DP, Rogers JD, Cannon P, Wolfolk SW, Kistler HC, Castellano MA, Maldonado-Ramírez SL, Kirk PM, Farrar JJ, Osmundson T, Currah RS, Vujanovic V, Chen W, Korf RP, Atallah ZK, Harrison KJ, Guarro J, Bates ST, Bonello P, Bridge P, Schell W, Rossi W, Stenlid J, Frisvad JC, Miller RM, Baker SE, Hallen HE, Janso JE, Wilson AW, Conway KE, Egerton-Warburton L, Wang Z, Eastburn D, Ho WH, Kroken S, Stadler M, Turgeon G, Lichtwardt RW, Stewart EL, Wedin M, Li D-W, Uchida JY, Jumpponen A, Deckert RJ, Beker HJ, Rogers SO, Xu J, Johnston P, Shoemaker RA, Liu M, Marques G, Summerell B, Sokolski S, Thrane U, Widden P, Bruhn JN, Bianchinotti V, Tuthill D, Baroni TJ, Barron G, Hosaka K, Jewell K, Piepenbring M, Sullivan R, Griffith GW, Bradley SG, Aoki T, Yoder WT, Ju Y-M, Berch SM, Trappe M, Duan W, Bonito G, Taber RA, Coelho G, Bills G, Ganley A, Agerer R, Nagy L, Roy BA, Læssøe T, Hallenberg N, Tichy H-V, Stalpers J, Langer E, Scholler M, Krueger D, Pacioni G, Pöder R, Pennanen T, Capelari M, Nakasone K, Tewari JP, Miller AN, Decock C, Huhndorf S, Wach M, Vishniac HS, Yohalem DS, Smith ME, Glenn AE, Spiering M, Lindner DL, Schoch C, Redhead SA, Ivors K, Jeffers SN, Geml J, Okafor F, Spiegel FW, Dewsbury D, Carroll J, Porter TM, Pashley C, Carpenter SE, Abad G, Voigt K, Arenz B, Mathven AS, Schechter S, Vance P, Mahoney D, Kang S, Rheeder JP, Mehl J, Greif M, Ngala GN, Ammirati J, Kawasaki M, Gwo-Fang Y, Matsumoto T, Smith D, Koenig G, Luoma D, May T, Leonardi M, Sigler L, Taylor DL, Gibson C, Sharpton T, Hawksworth DL, Dianese JC, Trudell SA, Paulus B, Padamsee M, Callac P, Lima N, White M, Barreau C, Juncai MA, Buyck B, Rabeler R, Liles MR, Estes D, Carter R, Herr JM, Chandler G, Kerekes J, Cruse-Sanders J, Márquez G, Horak E, Fitzsimons M, Döring H, Yao S, Hynson N, Ryberg M, Arnold AE, Hughes K (2008) Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319: 1616.
- Hibbett DS, Binder M, Bischoff JF, Blackwell M, Cannon PF, Eriksson OE, Huhndorf S, James T, Kirk PM, Lücking R, Lumbsch T, Lutzoni F, Matheny PB, McLaughlin DJ, Powell MJ, Redhead S, Schoch CL, Spatafora JW, Spalpers JA, Vilgalys R, Aime MC, Aptroot A, Bauer R, Begerow D, Benny GL, Castlebury LA, Crous PW, Dai Y-C, Gams W, Geiser DM, Griffith GW, Gueidan C, Hawksworth DL, Hestmark G, Hosaka K, Humber RA, Hyde K, Ironside JE, Kõljalg U, Kurtzman CP, Larsson K-H, Lichtwardt R, Longcore J, Miadlikowska J, Miller A, Moncalvo J-M, Mozley-Standridge S, Oberwinkler F, Parmasto E, Reeb V, Rogers JD, Roux C, Ryvarden L, Sampaio JP, Schüssler A, Sugiyama J, Thorn RG, Tibell L, Untereiner WA, Walker C, Wang Z, Weir A, Weiss M, White MM, Winka K, Yao Y, Zhang N (2007) A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycological Research 111: 504-547.
- Matheny PB, Wang Z, Binder M, Curtis JM, Lim YW, Nilsson RH, Hughes KW, Hofstetter V, Ammirati JF, Schoch C, Langer E, Langer G, McLaughlin DJ, Wilson AW, Froslev T, Ge ZW, Kerrigan RW, Kerrigan R, Slot J, Yang ZL, Baroni TJ, Fischer M, Hosaka K, Matsuura K, Seidl M, Vauras J, Hibbett DS (2007) Contributions of rpb2 and tef1 to the phylogeny of mushrooms and allies (Basidiomycota, Fungi). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 430-451.
- Clémençon H, Hosaka K, Taylor ASF (2007) Rhizomorph anatomy confirms the systematic position of Sclerogaster (Phallomycetidae, Basidiomycota). Mycotaxon 100: 85-95.
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