Staphylinidological Works in Japan, No. 1

Years mentioned: 1996-1997

ハネカクシ談話会ニュース,(4): 4-5
Literature's data:
[Nomura, S.] 1998
Information of works and papers on Staphylinoidea in Japan
Newsletter of Staphylinidological Society of Japan, (4): 4-5


Hayashi, Y., 1996a. New brachypterous Lathrobium species from Mt. Amaichi, Hyogo, Japan. Ent. Rev. Japan, 51: 15-21.
Hayashi, Y. 1996b. New record of Staphylinidae from Japan (3). ibid., 51: 22. (Phacophalus, Sepedophilus).
Hayashi, Y. 1996c. New record of Staphylinidae fromTaiwan. ibid., 51: 110. (Rugilus, Philonthus).
Hayashi, Y., 1997a. Studies on the Asian Staphylininae III. The characteristics of Xanthopygini. Elytra, 25: 475-492. (Xanthopygus, Xanthopygini).
Hayashi, Y., 1997b. Studies on Staphylinidae from Japan, IV. Ent. Rev. Japan, 52: 25-37. (Eucibdelus).
Hayashi, Y., 1997c. New record of Staphylinidae fromTaiwan. ibid., 52: 38. (Rugilus, Philonthus).
Kishimoto, T., 1997. The genus Tetrabothrus from Japan, with description of a new species from Hokkaido. Elytra, 25: 445-450.
Naomi, S., 1997. Taxonomic study on Stenus wasabi Hromadka and its allied species, with discussion on the internal structure. Jpn. J. Ent., 65: 600-611.
Naomi, S. & M.Maruyama, 1997. A revision of the genus Sepedophilus Gistel from Japan: species group of S. armatus Sharp. Jpn. J. syst. Ent., 3: 239-257.

Nomura, S., 1997a. A new Clavigerine genus, Micrelytriger, from Taiwan and Japan. Bull. natn. sci. Mus., ser. A (Zool.), 23: 115-126.
Nomura, S., 1997b. A systematic revision of the Clavigerine genus Diartiger Sharp from East Asia. Esakia, (37): 77-110.
Nomura, S., 1997c. A revision of the Clavigerine Genus Triartiger Kubota from Taiwan and Japan. Elytra, 25: 435-444.
Nomura, S. & S. Naomi, 1997. Discovery of the Genus Mayetia from Japan, with description of a new species. Jpn. J. Ent., 65: 556-561.

Nishikawa, M., 1996. The true identity of a Japanese species of the genus Pteroloma. Elytra, 24:111-112.
Nishikawa, M., 1997a. A new Catops of the hilleri group from Japan. ibid., 25: 117-121.
Nishikawa, M., 1997b. Lyrosoma iturupense Hlisnikovsky from Hokkaido, North Japan. ibid.: 121-122.
Nishikawa, M., 1997c. Sciodrepoides watsoni (Spence)(Col., Cholevidae) from the Kuril Archipelago. ibid.: 348.
Nishikawa, M., 1997d. Occurrence of a Sciodrepoides species (Col., Cholevidae) on the Islands of Tsu-shima, West Japan. ibid.: 431-434.

大塚勲,1997.熊本県のハネカクシに関する資料(4).熊本昆虫同好会報,43(2): 13-19.
平野幸彦,1997.甲虫類.神奈川県環境部編 丹沢大山自然環境総合調査報告書,丹沢山地動植物目録.pp. 123-183.
西川正明,1997.シデムシ類とコガネムシ上科.同上.pp. 206-214.
岸本年郎,1997.大田区のハネカクシ類.大田区編 大田区自然環境保全基礎調査報告書「大田区の昆虫」.pp. 164-167.

田添京二,1997.踊るハネカクシ.月刊むし,(322): 35. (カタモンオオキバハネカクシの行動)
野村周平,1997.アリヅカムシの飛翔.インセクタリウム,34(2): 22-30.

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