Zenarchopterus dunckeri, FRLM 30659, 7.7 cm SL

Zenarchopterus dunckeri Mohr, 1926
Duncker's river garfish

D 10 - 12; A 10 - 13; P1 10. Body elongate, subcylindrical. Lower jaw much prolonged, javelin-like; upper jaw wider than long; nasal papilla elongate and pointed. Base of dorsal fin longer than anal fin base; 6th anal ray of males greatly thickened and elongated, reaching beyond caudal base; 4th and/or 5th dorsal ray(s) elongated; caudal fin rounded. Vertebrae 37 - 42. Color: light brown dorsally, becoming silvery white ventrally; no longitudinal black line on dorsal midline of upper jaw. Size: 12.5 cm SL. Distribution: Andaman Sea and West Pacific. Remarks: found in estuaries, especially mangrove area. Surface swimming fish, feeds on small terrestrial insects. Ovoviviparous.