Mai Takigami

Presentations in academic conferences

  • Mai Takigami, Kazuhiro Uzawa, Yuji Seki, Daniel Morales Chocano, Minoru Yoneda, Investigation of geological Sr isotope ratio to confirm the camelid pastoralism at Pacomapma, Peru, III Taller de Arqueología e Isótopos Estables en el Sur de Sudamérica, September 24, 2019, Pica (Chile).
  • Mai Takigami, Minoru Sakamoto, Tatsuhiko Hamada, Shinichiro Fujio, Dietary estimation and 14C-dating of Yayoi human remains in the Aoya-kamijichi site, Japan, Radiocaron and Archaeolgy, May 20-24, 2019, the University of Georgia (USA).
  • Mai Takigami, Yuji Seki, Daniel Morales Chocano, Tomohito Nagaoka, Kazuhiro Uzawa, Megumi Saito-Kano and Minoru Yoneda, The introduction of an Agro-Pastoral system during the Late Formative Period in the northern highlands, Peru, II Taller de Arqueología e Isótopos Estables en el Sur de Sudamérica, November 2, 2017, Centro Tecnológico de Desarrollo Regional los Reyunos de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, San Rafael (Argentine).
  • Mai Takigami, Fuyuki Tokanai and Minoru Yoneda, High C4 plants consumption from the Late Intermediate period in Cuzco region, Society of American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, April 1, 2017, Vancouver (Canada).
  • Kazuhiro Uzawa, Mai Takigami and Yuji Seki, Beginning of Camelid breeding during the Formative period at the Pacopampa site, Peru, Society of American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting, March 31, 2017, Vancouver (Canada).
  • Mai Takigami, Sonia Guillén, Fuyuki Tokanai, Kazuhiro Kato, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Minoru Yoneda, The impact of the Inca conquest on the Chachapoya diet, 8th World Congress on Mummy Studies, August 8, 2013, URFJ, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).