Goro Kokubugata

Publications (books & translations)

  • Kokubugata, G., T. Kanemoto & M. Yokota, 2007. Endangered plant species in the Ryukyu Archipelago I. What to do in botanical garden. Eds. Jpn Assoc. Bot. Gard. & Tsukuba Bot. Gard., Natl Mus. Nat. Sci. Conservation of Plant Diversity in Japanese Botanic Gardens, pp. 235-243.
  • Yokota, M., T. Kanemoto & G. Kokubugata, 2007. Endangered plant species in the Ryukyu Archipelago I. What endangered species in the Ryukyus. Eds. Jpn Assoc. Bot. Gard. & Tsukuba Bot. Gard., Natl Mus. Nat. Sci. Conservation of Plant Diversity in Japanese Botanic Gardens, pp. 220-225.
  • Kondo, K., T. Tagashira, M. H. A. El-Twab, Y. Hoshi, G. Kokubugata, Y. Honda & K. K. Khaung. 2002. Structural differences of chromosomes in plants detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization using probes of rDNA, Arabidopsis-type telomere sequences repeats and pCrT7-4. In R. C. Sobti et al. Eds. Some Aspects of Chromosome Structure and Functions, p. 27-35. Narosa Publishing House, Delhi.