
Construction of a National Collection
The Museum aims to construct a national collection, by organizing information on specimens and materials into a database and incorporating specimens and materials on a national scale.
Construction of a National Collection
Forming a system for the collection and storage of specimens and materials
The most important issue for the Museum is to preserve scientific specimens and materials, an intellectual asset for all humanity in common, to bequeath to future generations. The Center for Collections stands at the forefront of this effort.
Forming a system for the collection and storage of specimens and materials
Preparation of a system for using the specimens and materials
Introduces the Museum's efforts to prepare a system for using specimens and materials.
Preparation of a system for using the specimens and materials
Publication of a database
Once the data on the specimens and materials are prepared, the information is published on a Specimen and Database page.
Data on plant and animal type specimens are collected and published through a type specimen database.