Photo Album of the Staphylinidological Society of Japan, No. 12
(special version on the19th Meeting on Staphylinidae held in Geneva, 20-23th May 2004)

ハネカクシ談話会写真集11へ Go to the Photo Album, No. 11

左:ジュネーヴ自然史博物館;右:自慢のアリヅカ文献ライブラリーの前に立つClaude Besuchet博士
Left: Museum d'histoire Naturelle, Geneve; Dr. Claude Besuchet in front of the great library of literatures on Pselaphines.

Left: A snap of the first day dinner; right: great members of the meeting (from the left: Peter hammond, Ivan Lobl, Giulio Cuccodoro, Nomura, Mrs. and Mr. Ales Smetana.

左:開会を告げるGiulio Cuccodoro博士;右:Besuchet博士の講演
Left: Opening statement by Dr. Giulio Cuccodoro; right: a speech by Dr. Besuchet.

左:野村の講演;右:Oliver Betz博士の講演
Left: A speech by Nomura; right: a speech of Dr. Oliver Betz.

Tea break

Left above: from the left, Michael Sorensson、Ivan Lobl, Ales Smetana; right above: left, Volker Assing, right, Michael Schulke;
left below: from the left, Nomura, Peter Hlavac, Maruyama; right below: .Guillaume de Rougemont.


The 19th Meeting on Staphylinidae, Family Photo (at Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneve, 21th May 2004).

Left above: middle from the left, G. Rougemont, M. Sorensson, G. Cuccodoro; right above: left, Melania Stan, right, Lee Herman; left below: Jan Klimazewski; right below: from the left, Alessandro Marletta, Harald Schillhammer, Alexey Solodovnikov.

Excursion in Chancy, near Geneva.

土中性ハネカクシParaleptusan genavensis採集法の説明(各氏氏名は下を見よ)
Presentation of the collecting method of Paraleptusa genavensis, "soil washing" in the excursion (left: from the left, Vladimir Gusarov, Mrs. Grebennikov, C. Besuchet, Rich Leschen; right: Paul Wunderle)

左:Batrisus formicariusの生息環境;右:地元紙に掲載された丸山氏
Left: Habitat of Batrisus formicarius (Click for Pselaphine photos); right: a report of the excursion in the newspaper"Tribune de Geneve".

左:Winkler装置を説明するBesuchet博士;右:アリヅカの2巨匠、C, Besuchet, I. Lobl両博士
Left: Dr. Besuchet showing a Winkler apparatus to M. Stan and M. Sorensson; right: The great pselaphidologists, Drs. C. Besuchet and I. Lobl.

左:ハネカクシ類の大きな絵があるジュネーヴ自博の展示;右:G. Cuccodoro博士と野村
Left: Large tableaux of staphylinids in the exhibition of MHNG; right: Dr. G. Cuccodoro and Nomura

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