Malacanthus latovittatus
(photo by Ukkrit Satapoomin)

Malacanthus latovittatus
(Lacepède, 1801)
Blue Tilefish (Blue Blanquillo)

D III-IV, 43-47; A I, 37-40; P1 16-17; LLp 116-132; GR 6-14.

Body long and slender. Snout long; jaws extending posteriorly to below anterior nostril. Preopercle edge smooth; opercle with a single sharp spine. Caudal fin truncate. Color: head blue; body olivegray to violet-blue above, bluish white on belly; a broad midlateral stripe on body, extending onto caudal fin. Juveniles bluish white with a more distinct black stripe, extending to front of head. Size: maximum length about 40 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific, from East Africa and Red Sea to Line Islands. Remarks: lives in shallow waters at depths of 6-10 m in barren sandy areas or rubble near reefs.