Urogymnus asperrimus
(photo by Mark Strickland)

Urogymnus asperrimus
(Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
Porcupine Ray

Disc oval, slightly longer than wide; trunk very robust; snout with blunt tip. Tail cylindrical, short, subequal to disc length, without venomous spine (sting) or dermal folds. Mouth narrow, 3-5 papillae on floor. Dorsal surface of disc prickly, with large spiny thorns scattered over entire surface. Color: dark brown dorsally; whitish ventrally. Size: maximum length at least 2.2 m, maximum disc width ca. 1.0 m. Distribution: widely distributed in tropical Indo-Pacific, from South Africa to Fiji, and in tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: Found on sand and coral habitats near reefs.