
Author 著者 Year Title 和文表題 Jurnal Vol Language
Belyayev, G.M.
1962 Rostra of cephalopods in oceanic bottom sediments
Okeanologiya 2(2): 311-326 English
Clarke, M.R.
1962 The identification of cephalopod "beaks" and the relationship between beak size and total body weight.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), 8(10):421-480,22pls. English
Clarke, M.R.
1962 Significance of cephalopod beaks.
Nature, 193(4815):560-561 English
Clarke, M.R.
1977 Beaks, nets, and numbers.
Symposia,Zoological Society of London, (38):89-126 English
Clarke, M.R.
1980 Cephalopod beaks from the stomachs of two northern bottlenosed whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus).
Journal of marine Biological Association of U.K. 60:151-156 English
Clarke, M.R.
1980 Cephalopoda in the diet of sperm whales of the southern hemisphere and their bearing on sperm whale biology
Discovery Report 37: 1-324 English
Clarke, M.R.
1981 A handbook for the identification of cephalopod beaks (not to be quoted).
Marine Biological Association of U.K. :1-194 English
Clarke, M.R. and Maddock, L.
1988 6. Beaks of living coleid cephalopoda.
The Mollusca, 12:123-131 English
Fiscus, C.H.
1991 Notes on North Pacific gonatids: Identification of body fragments and beaks from marine mammal stomach.
The Western Society of Malacologist Annual Report, 23:2-6. English
Foster, N.R. and Hare, M.P.
1990 Cephalopod remains from a Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) stranded in Kodiak, Alaska.
Northwestern Naturalist, 71:49-51. English
Ghofar, A.
1990 Morphometry, beaks and the relationships between beak and body size of the purpleback flying squid Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis caught off the coast of Lombok.
Media ED 4(15):2-6 English
Ghofar, A.
1993 Cephalopoda dari Perairan Pantai Utara Jawa: Penggunaan Beaks untuk,Estimasi Biomassa.
Wahana Penelitain pp.17-24 Indonesian
Hills, S. and Fiscus, H.
1988 Cephalopod beaks from the stomachs of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) found dead on the Washington coart.
Murrelet 69:15-20 English
Hotta, H. 堀田 1973 Identification of squids and cuttle fish in the adjacent waters of Japan, using the characteristics of beaks. 日本近海産イカ類のくちばしによる識別 Bull. Seikai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. 8(43): 133-147 Japanese
Iverson, I.L.K. and Pinkas, L.
1971 A pictorial guide to beaks of certain eastern Pacific cephalopods.
Calif. Dept. Fish & Game, Fish Bull. 152:83-105 English
Kubodera, T. and Furuhashi, M. 窪寺・古橋 1987 Manual for the identificatio of cephalopods and myctophids in the stomach contents. 胃内容物中のイカ類及びハダカイワシ科魚類の種査定に関するマニュアル 昭和61年度北洋海域生態系モデル開発事業報告書別冊資料 65 pp Japanese
Kubota,T, Shiobara,Y. and Kubodera, T.
1991 Food habits of the frilled shark Chlamydoselachus anguineus collected from Suruga Bay, Central Japan.
Bull.Jap.Soc.Sci.Fish. 57(1):15-20. English
Maclean. G.L.
1966 Cephalopod beaks from the stomach of a Jackass penguin Spheniscus demersus Linnaeus.
Zoologica Afr. 2(1):27-30 English
Mangold, K. and Fioroni, P.
1966 Morphologie et biometrie des mandibules de quelques cephalopodes Mediterraneens
Vie et Mileu A3: 1139-1196 French
Martin, A.R., Clarke, M.R. and Reiner, F.
1985 A pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps (Blainville,1838) (Cetacea: Odontoceti) stranded on Faial Island, Azores, with notes on cephalopod beaks in stomach.
Universidado dos Acores, :63-70. English
Mercer,M.C., Misra,R.K. and Hurley,G.V.
1980 Sex determination of the ommastrephid squid Illex illecebrosus using beak morphometrics.
Can.J.Fish.Aquat.Sci. 37:283-287. English
Nixon, M.
1969 Growth of the beak and radula of Octopus vulgaris.
Journal of Zoology, London, 159:363-379. English
Nixon, M.
1970 Use of the beaks and radula by Octopus vulgaris in feeding.
Journal of Zoology, London, 161:25-38. English
Okutani, T. and Mikami, S.
1977 Description on beaks of Nautilus macromphalus Sowerby. オオベソオウムガイ Nautilus macromphalus Sowerby の顎板の記載 Venus,Jap.J.Malac. 36(3):115-121 English
Okutani,T. 奥谷 1981 Biology of Cephalopoda-16. Current status and perspective on studies on cephalopod statoliths and beaks. 頭足類の生物学(16).頭足類の平衡石および顎板に関する研究<現状と中間的展望> Aquabiology 3(5):335-340 Japanese
Roeleveld, M.A. and Smale, M.J.
1981 Cephalopod beak identification. (news and view)
S.Afr.J.Sci. 77:291. English
Smale, M.J., Clarke,M.R., Klages, T.W. & Roeleveld, M.A.

1993 Octopod beak identification - Resolution at a regional level (Cephalopoda, Octopoda: Southern Africa)

S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 13: 269-293 English
Wolff, G.A.
1982 A beak key for eight eastern tropical Pacific cephalopod species with relationships between their beak dimentions and size.
Fishery Bulletin,U.S., 80(2):357-370. English
Wolff, G.A.
1984 Identification and estimation of size from the beaks of 18 species of cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean.
NOAA Tech.Rep.NMFS 17:1-50. English


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